Mandurah & Pinjarra Clinics
We have taken strong, proactive measures to ensure that a visit to 4 Life is safe. This requires our patients, staff and leadership to all come together to minimise our impact on others. Please read through to the lower sections to see all of the efforts being made to ensure the safety of your visit. This information is in two sections - firstly what we ask of patients attending our clinic and secondly a summary of our efforts to ensure your visit is safe.
Patient Appointment Attendance
4 Life Mandurah and Pinjarra are open during the post lockdown period for all individual appointments, exercise classes and gym programs.
Close Contact or Confirmed Case If you have tested positive to COVID-19 in a laboratory test, please do not attend our clinics until you have medical clearance to return to the community. If you are a close contact of a confirmed case, you are required to self-isolate for 14-days'. Please do not attend our clinics and instead call to reschedule your appointment.
Symptoms of an Influenza-like Illness If you have a fever, or you have symptoms of an influenza type illness (eg. cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion), please do not attend our clinic and instead call to reschedule your appointment.
Bring your own Towel You will see below that 4 Life is not using any soft furnishings for the immediate future. Our treatment tables have an Antimicrobial Barrier applied that will make the whole surface antiviral and antibacterial. For your comfort, please bring along a towel to your appointment if you will find the vinyl uncomfortable. All Gym & Pilates studio users will also require their own towel for personal use.
Contactless Payments We kindly request that payments are made by card. To assist in our hygiene measures please avoid payment in cash at this time.
What is 4 Life Doing Differently?
4 Life continues to be very pro-active in protecting our staff and patients from COVID-19 and attending appointments is safe. Just some of the measures we have taken include:
Antimicrobial Barrier Application 4 Life has sourced a specialty antimicrobial which bonds to a treated substrate making the entire material itself antimicrobial for up to 35-days. This has been applied to all commonly contacted surfaces such as treatment tables, waiting room chairs, door handles, face cushions and so forth.
Hand & Personal Hygiene Hand Hygiene is the most effective way to protect against infections and includes both regular hand washing applying alcohol-based hand sanitiser. 4 Life will provide Hand Sanitiser for all patients and staff to use whilst at our facilities
Increased Cleaning and Disinfecting Efforts In addition to the abovementioned antimicrobial barrier application, 4 Life will use antiviral cleaning sprays between all patients and in common touchpoints around the clinic.
Elimination of Soft Finishings At 4 Life we like to provide the "nice extras" such as the daily newspaper, current magazines, soft terry-towelling on our treatment tables, and a mentos mint on the way out. Unfortunately, these and other similar finishings will not be provided during the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to reduce vulnerabilities in our cleaning and sanitation efforts. We recommend that you bring your own towel to your appointment for comfort.
Laundry Sanitiser All linen that is used at 4 Life will be sanitised during the cleaning processes.
Finally, please be assured that 4 Life takes the health and wellbeing of our clients very seriously. All of the above measure, and many others, are taken not to raise alarm, but rather to provide comfort to our staff and patients that our clinic is a leader in healthcare provision and a safe choice for your allied health needs.