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Running Injuries

Running is a fantastic type of exercise as it helps to strengthen bones and muscles, improves cardiovascular fitness and heart health. Running is also an affordable and convenient form of exercise. However, runners, whether experienced or beginner, can be exposed to risk of injury. Some of the most common running injuries are described below:


​Runners Knee:

It isn’t just specific for runners but it’s certainly very among this group. Pain is usually located beneath or around the kneecap (patella), and it is aggravated by going up or down stairs, squatting, or sitting with the knee bent for long periods.


Shin Splints:

Pain usually happens in the front or inside of the lower leg along the shin bone (tibia). This injury is common after changing the surface run on (grass to concrete), rapidly increasing the distance or speed of runs or if wearing inappropriate footwear.


Plantar Fasciitis:

Pain in the sole of the foot, underneath the heel or through the arch. Usually the pain is worse in the morning or after sitting for long periods. It is also painful at the beginning of the run, but then tends to ease and recur later.


Achilles Tendinopathy: 

Pain in the Achilles and/or heel area, usually more noticeable with sudden change of directions or running up the stairs or uphill.


Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome: 

Pain is on the outside of the knee joint line while running but might also hurt on the outside of the hip. It happens when the IT band thickens and rubs the knee bone, causing inflammation.


Stress Fracture (Ankle): 

This injury it’s usually managed with the use of a cam boot as the area of injury needs to be offloaded immediately.




The earlier you address running injuries and biomechanical concerns, the shorter the duration of the injury and the sooner you will return to sports.


Both our Physiotherapists and Podiatrists are experienced in managing all types of running injuries.  Often it is necessary to take a holistic approach to managing these injuries and you may benefit from seeing both a Physiotherapist and Podiatrist to ensure that you get back to the track as soon as possible.


If you are not sure where to start, give our clinic a call on 08 9583 5200 (Option 2 for Pinjarra Clinic) and one of our therapists will be able to advise who will be best to treat your condition.

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