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Seniors Massage

Massage therapy for seniors, also known as ‘Geriatric Massage’ can be an effective, non-invasive and relaxing way to help alleviate some of the symptoms of various age-related conditions. Massage therapy can assist with the pain and stiffness that is often experienced as muscles, skin, bones and circulation may lose vitality and function. This type of massage uses low friction and light massage strokes to protect the skin whilst still increasing circulation and providing relief.


If you feel you may have difficulty laying on a treatment table, we have alternative head rests or massage chairs available for you. Let the massage therapist know if you have any concerns as your comfort is their priority.

Massage Therapy for Seniors has been shown to have a positive effect on:

  • Balance and flexibility

  • Pain associated with arthritis

  • Joint mobility

  • Physical and emotional wellbeing

  • Sleep habits and quality of sleep


Contact one of our reception team to make an appointment, or book online.


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